Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Install and configure IBM IHS

Install IBM IHS on AIX System

1) Create logical file system /IBM (or other name)

2) Download the following installation files from IBM WebSite

- C1G2NML.tar.gz (WebSphere Supplements installation media)

3) Download the following FixPack files from IBM website.




4) install IHS silently with root user

- Log on the server as root

- In /IBM/IHS7

gunzip C1G2NML.tar.gz

tar –xvf C1G2NML.tar

- Go to directory /IBM/IHS7/IHS

- Run command "cp responsefile.txt responsefile.txt.bak"

- Edit responsefile.nd.txt and set the following value

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"

-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall=false

-OPT installLocation="/IBM/HTTPServer"

-OPT createAdminAuth="true"

-OPT adminAuthUser="ihsadmin"

-OPT adminAuthPassword="ihsadmin"

-OPT adminAuthPasswordConfirm="ihsadmin"

-OPT runSetupAdmin="true"

-OPT createAdminUserGroup=true

-OPT setupAdminUser="ihsadmin"

-OPT setupAdminGroup="ihsgroup"

-OPT washostname="remote_was_host"

Uncomment the following options

-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"

And comment all others options

-          Run the following command to install IHS7.0 server

./install -options "responsefile.txt" -silent

See the log files in wpsuser home directory /home/wpsuser/ihslogs) for the installation status.

-          After installation, go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/bin, and check IHS version using "versionInfo.sh", we will see the version of HTTP Server is, go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/bin, and check WebSphere Plugins version using "versionInfo.sh", we will see the version of WebSphere Plugins version is

5)     Install Update Installer on the server

-    Go to Directory /IBM/UPDI/

-    Run the command "gunzip" and "tar –xvf"

-    Go to Directory /IBM/cd_software/UPDI/UpdateInstaller

-    Run the command "cp responsefile.updiinstaller.txt  responsefile.updiinstaller.txt.bak"

-    Edit the file "responsefile.updiinstaller.txt" and set the following value

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"

-OPT installLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller"

Uncomment the following options

-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"

-OPT disableEarlyPrereqChecking="true"

Comment all other options

-          Run the command "./install -options "responsefile.updiinstaller.txt" –silent" to install update installer

Or run this command to install:

./install -silent -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true -OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall=true -OPT disableOSPrereqChecking=true -OPT installLocation=/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller

-          Go to Directory /IBM/WebSpehre/UpdateInstaller to check Update Installer version, it should be "

6)     Install IHS and WebSphere Plugins fixpacks using Update Installer

-    Go to Directory /IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/responsefiles

-    Run the command "cp install.txt installIHS.txt" and "cp install.txt installPLG.txt"

-    Edit installIHS.txt as the following:

-W maintenance.package="/IBM/fixpack/7.0.0-WS-IHS-AixPPC32-FP0000017.pak"

-W product.location="/IBM/HTTPServer"

-    Edit installPLG.txt as the following:

-W maintenance.package="/IBM/fixpack/7.0.0-WS-PLG-AixPPC32-FP0000017.pak"

-W product.location="/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins"

- Go to Directory /IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/bin, run the following command to apply the fixpacks

./update.sh -options responsefiles/installIHS.txt –silent

./update.sh -options responsefiles/installPLG.txt –silent

Monitor /IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/logs/tmp/updatelog.txt for updating status.

-    Go to Directory /IBM/HTTPServer/bin and /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/bin, run the command "versionInfo.sh" to check that both version should be

-    After installation, go to /IBM, run the following command to grant the permission
"chmod –fR 755 /IBM/HTTPServer", "chown –fR wasuser:wasgroup /IBM/HTTPServer"

-    Go to /IBM/HTTPServer/conf, edit httpd.conf and update the following values

User wasuser

Group wasgroup

- Go to /IBM/HTTPServer/bin, and run "adminctl start" and "apachectl –k start" to start IHS server.

Configure IHS Web Server on WAS or WPS

After installing IHS Web Server, we need to create a web server on WAS so that the application deployed on WAS server can be mapped to web server.

-          Logon to server WAS_HostServer with user "wasuser", the user is used to run WebSphere Application Server instances

-          Go to directory /IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin

-          Download the file "configurewebserver1.sh" from IHS_HostServer, the file is at /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/bin

-          Edit the last line configurewebserver1.sh like this:


tion.jacl webserver1 IHS '/IBM/HTTPServer' '/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf' 80 MAP_NONE'/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins' unmanaged webserver1-node  blue-devweb01.mtsallstream.com aix 8008  ihsadmin $IHS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER

I recommend to use "MAP_NONE" to replace "MAP_ALL".

-          Run the shell script

configurewebserver1.sh cellName  userid userpassword ihsadmin

userid and userpassword should be specified if global security is enabled.

-          logon to administrative console, then synchronize the nodes

-          Go to servers->server Types-> web servers, if the web server is running on IHS_Host, then the server status is running

-          if webserver1 status is stopped, we can start the web server1 through administrative console if http admin process is running on blue-devweb01.

-          Make the ihsadmin username and password is entered. Click "webserver1", then click "Remote Web server management" at the right side. assure the port number, username and password are correct

-          Then select "webserver1" and click "Start" button to start web server, the server should be started.

-          Select "webserver1" and click "Generate Plug-in", and then select "webserver1" again and  click "Propagate Plug-in". we may see the following error:

"PLGC0049E: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file failed for the Web servers xxxxxxxxxx

-          the reason why it happened it because the permission issue

-          logon to server IHS_Host with user "wasuser"

-          go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/config/webserver1

-          make sure plugin-cfg.xml permission is 755 or 664

-          go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/conf

-          edit the conf file admin.conf as following:

User wasuser

Group wasgroup

-          switch to root user

-          Go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/bin

-          restart admin process: ./adminctl stop and ./adminctl start

-          the issue should be solved.a

WebSphere Application Server 7 Federated Repository Configuration – Microsoft AD configuration

Some people are confusing how to configure the Federated Repository to Connect to Microsoft Active directory LDAP server.  IBM docs do not provide a clean configuration steps.

Here are the steps what I configured Federated Repository to connect to Microsoft Active Directory LDAP

1) Log on to Admin Console and go to Security-Global Security

2) select "Federated Repositor" from drop down list and click "Configure…" button

Global Security

3) Specify a Primary administrative user name. Note: this user name should not be same user in Microsoft AD LDAP

Primary User

4) Click "Add Base Entry to Realm…" button in this page

5) click "Add Repository" button

Add Repository

6)  enter the Repository Identifier,  host name, port, binging user, and password, Then click "Apply"


7) click "LDAP entity types" link

LDAP Entity Type

8) then click "PersonalAccount" link, and set the Search base like "DC=mydomain,DC=com", then click "Ok"

Personal Account

9) this step is very import, find the file named wimconfig.xml at the directory <ProfileDir>/Config/cells/<NodeName>/wim/config, add the highlighted entry in the correct section

WIM Configuration

Most Microsoft active directory use sAMAccountName to authenticate the user, so we need to map sAMAccountName attribute to uid in order to search the user.

After changing the file, we need to restart the server. and then we should be able to find the active directory user from the console.