Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Install and configure IBM IHS

Install IBM IHS on AIX System

1) Create logical file system /IBM (or other name)

2) Download the following installation files from IBM WebSite

- C1G2NML.tar.gz (WebSphere Supplements installation media)

3) Download the following FixPack files from IBM website.




4) install IHS silently with root user

- Log on the server as root

- In /IBM/IHS7

gunzip C1G2NML.tar.gz

tar –xvf C1G2NML.tar

- Go to directory /IBM/IHS7/IHS

- Run command "cp responsefile.txt responsefile.txt.bak"

- Edit responsefile.nd.txt and set the following value

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"

-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall=false

-OPT installLocation="/IBM/HTTPServer"

-OPT createAdminAuth="true"

-OPT adminAuthUser="ihsadmin"

-OPT adminAuthPassword="ihsadmin"

-OPT adminAuthPasswordConfirm="ihsadmin"

-OPT runSetupAdmin="true"

-OPT createAdminUserGroup=true

-OPT setupAdminUser="ihsadmin"

-OPT setupAdminGroup="ihsgroup"

-OPT washostname="remote_was_host"

Uncomment the following options

-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"

And comment all others options

-          Run the following command to install IHS7.0 server

./install -options "responsefile.txt" -silent

See the log files in wpsuser home directory /home/wpsuser/ihslogs) for the installation status.

-          After installation, go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/bin, and check IHS version using "versionInfo.sh", we will see the version of HTTP Server is, go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/bin, and check WebSphere Plugins version using "versionInfo.sh", we will see the version of WebSphere Plugins version is

5)     Install Update Installer on the server

-    Go to Directory /IBM/UPDI/

-    Run the command "gunzip" and "tar –xvf"

-    Go to Directory /IBM/cd_software/UPDI/UpdateInstaller

-    Run the command "cp responsefile.updiinstaller.txt  responsefile.updiinstaller.txt.bak"

-    Edit the file "responsefile.updiinstaller.txt" and set the following value

-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"

-OPT installLocation="/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller"

Uncomment the following options

-OPT disableOSPrereqChecking="true"

-OPT disableEarlyPrereqChecking="true"

Comment all other options

-          Run the command "./install -options "responsefile.updiinstaller.txt" –silent" to install update installer

Or run this command to install:

./install -silent -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance=true -OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall=true -OPT disableOSPrereqChecking=true -OPT installLocation=/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller

-          Go to Directory /IBM/WebSpehre/UpdateInstaller to check Update Installer version, it should be "

6)     Install IHS and WebSphere Plugins fixpacks using Update Installer

-    Go to Directory /IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/responsefiles

-    Run the command "cp install.txt installIHS.txt" and "cp install.txt installPLG.txt"

-    Edit installIHS.txt as the following:

-W maintenance.package="/IBM/fixpack/7.0.0-WS-IHS-AixPPC32-FP0000017.pak"

-W product.location="/IBM/HTTPServer"

-    Edit installPLG.txt as the following:

-W maintenance.package="/IBM/fixpack/7.0.0-WS-PLG-AixPPC32-FP0000017.pak"

-W product.location="/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins"

- Go to Directory /IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/bin, run the following command to apply the fixpacks

./update.sh -options responsefiles/installIHS.txt –silent

./update.sh -options responsefiles/installPLG.txt –silent

Monitor /IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/logs/tmp/updatelog.txt for updating status.

-    Go to Directory /IBM/HTTPServer/bin and /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/bin, run the command "versionInfo.sh" to check that both version should be

-    After installation, go to /IBM, run the following command to grant the permission
"chmod –fR 755 /IBM/HTTPServer", "chown –fR wasuser:wasgroup /IBM/HTTPServer"

-    Go to /IBM/HTTPServer/conf, edit httpd.conf and update the following values

User wasuser

Group wasgroup

- Go to /IBM/HTTPServer/bin, and run "adminctl start" and "apachectl –k start" to start IHS server.

Configure IHS Web Server on WAS or WPS

After installing IHS Web Server, we need to create a web server on WAS so that the application deployed on WAS server can be mapped to web server.

-          Logon to server WAS_HostServer with user "wasuser", the user is used to run WebSphere Application Server instances

-          Go to directory /IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin

-          Download the file "configurewebserver1.sh" from IHS_HostServer, the file is at /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/bin

-          Edit the last line configurewebserver1.sh like this:


tion.jacl webserver1 IHS '/IBM/HTTPServer' '/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf' 80 MAP_NONE'/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins' unmanaged webserver1-node  blue-devweb01.mtsallstream.com aix 8008  ihsadmin $IHS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER

I recommend to use "MAP_NONE" to replace "MAP_ALL".

-          Run the shell script

configurewebserver1.sh cellName  userid userpassword ihsadmin

userid and userpassword should be specified if global security is enabled.

-          logon to administrative console, then synchronize the nodes

-          Go to servers->server Types-> web servers, if the web server is running on IHS_Host, then the server status is running

-          if webserver1 status is stopped, we can start the web server1 through administrative console if http admin process is running on blue-devweb01.

-          Make the ihsadmin username and password is entered. Click "webserver1", then click "Remote Web server management" at the right side. assure the port number, username and password are correct

-          Then select "webserver1" and click "Start" button to start web server, the server should be started.

-          Select "webserver1" and click "Generate Plug-in", and then select "webserver1" again and  click "Propagate Plug-in". we may see the following error:

"PLGC0049E: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file failed for the Web servers xxxxxxxxxx

-          the reason why it happened it because the permission issue

-          logon to server IHS_Host with user "wasuser"

-          go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins/config/webserver1

-          make sure plugin-cfg.xml permission is 755 or 664

-          go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/conf

-          edit the conf file admin.conf as following:

User wasuser

Group wasgroup

-          switch to root user

-          Go to directory /IBM/HTTPServer/bin

-          restart admin process: ./adminctl stop and ./adminctl start

-          the issue should be solved.a

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